Giveaways that
give people a choice

A simple, customizable ordering page that allows your customers, employees or any other group to view and select what they want.



Giveaways that
give people a choice

We’ve created a simple, customizable ordering page that allows your customers to view and select what they want.

The easiest way to do giveaways


Users Can Choose
Give people a choice between a selection of items or picking the right sized shirt.


Easy to use
The interface is simple for end-users making it effortless to redeem items.


Easy to Manage
Easier to manage than a full-blown e-commerce store, but still gives you control over inventory and stock (not to mention the timing of sending out the codes).


Customizable Look
Style the page to match your campaign or event or brand so your users have a cohesive experience.


Fast Shipping
If the items are stocked, the orders can ship it out fast, even the same day orders.


The easiest way to do giveaways


Collect Addresses
With more people working remotely, how do you know where to send the gift? Simply email them a link and code to your redemption page. They’ll enter their address to redeem the gift.


Users Can Choose
Let customers pick what they want (including the right shirt size), while you track who has and hasn’t redeemed items.


Easy to use
The interface is simple for users making it effortless to redeem items. It’s also easy to manage with control over inventory, stock and when to send out codes.


Customizable Look
Style the page to match your campaign or event or brand so your users have a cohesive experience.

How it’s used

Employee Gifts
From anniversary present to holiday gifts, leverage the redemption page to say thanks to your team for their continued commitment to the cause.

Culture Kits
Send your remote employees a thoughtful kit that keeps them engaged and keeps your culture top of mind.

Virtual Interview Gifts
Say thank you to interviewees by sending a code for them to redeem an item of their choosing.


Virtual Events

With more events going virtual, create a connection and sense of belonging by sending physical merch that commemorates the event and thanks them for attending.

Twilio personnel conducting a live virtual event in branded swag
Gong's redemption screens

Make it easy for your marketing team to coordinate giveaways by letting us handle the backend logistics and fulfillment. Dream up the campaign and we’ll disseminate your swag.


Send Thanks

Alaska Airlines Million Miler customer appreciation screen

Customer Appreciation
Thank your top customers with a gift that they get to choose.

Customer Loyalty
Keep super users coming back by sending out redemption codes if they hit certain benchmarks.

Customer Advocacy
Strengthen your customer community through strategic gifting for your brand evangelists.

Digital Ocean Case Story CASE STORY

Turn users into advocates

Each year, DigitalOcean sends 50,000 t-shirts across the world without ever touching a package. Hacktoberfest rewards their loyal fans who make contributions to open source coding. After reaching certain milestones, customers are eligible for a free swag bag, complete with stickers and a t-shirt in their size. From Bangalore to Belgium and back, DigitalOcean leaned on our redemption platform to manage and ship all orders.


How it works


1. Make Merch
We work together to create compelling swag.


2. Redemption Codes
We generate a list of redemption codes that you share with your customers.


3. Pick & Choose
Customers use the code to redeem an item or pick what they want from several items.


4. Ship
We send it out fast (if it’s stocked, that could even be the same day).


Tie it all together
People love the experience of unboxing (just check Instagram). With our own in-house warehouse and fulfillment team, we have everything you need to craft a kit your fans will enjoy.


Ready to upgrade your giveaways?